Martes, Disyembre 31, 2019

The Completing Piece

"An intelligent man speaks when he has to say something. A wise man speaks when he has something to say."

Walking, commuting, and serving these past few weeks gave me the opportunity to contemplate about how God has orchestrated the way I have lived my life recently. During those naive moments of sitting or standing while my mind is thinking and reflecting, I started to appreciate the difference between the environment in which I have opened my eyes before and the influence where He has brought me now. I would be one of those who can attest to say that you cannot go with God and stay where you are at the same time.

I am just amazed on how He works in my life that when I always soak and dwell in His presence, it is always justified that a sanctified isolation (that becomes a unusual sequestration) brings you to a life of consecration with Him and in the point of intimacy He unravels a glimpse of His plans and purposes and leaves its response to me and how certainly, eventually, would affect my scope of influence. 

In my case, God has brought me into a journey where its not what I expect to be but I believe was His will for me.

Unimaginable risks that I took yet were safe in his blessed assurance, therefore faith is strengthened.
Tenacity that is forged in the hidden crucibles of life, therefore perseverance and endurance is produced.
Giving your life selflessly that is motivated from a one compelling reason. Love, as its main reason behind, becomes fortified.

I noticed how reticent I was to be assertive. How I chose to be hidden so that others will be seen. How I have offered myself voluntarily, generously, wholeheartedly and faithfully to a vocation (or calling) that doesn't give any chance of security and stability, in a mundane practical value.

How I have committed myself into commitments that would ask much of my time, talent and treasure even reaching to a point of living a life of obscurity. And I'm freakin' loving it. And I cannot imagine myself doing things other than what I'm doing today. Just recently, I would admit that at some point, posting in social media on what my day looked like would be a way of somewhat breaking my silence. But those things that I post are like a tip of an iceberg from the engagements and activities that I do due to the versatility that is maintained and sustained by God's grace.

But I'm not the focal point of this essay. What I would want to deliver (and I hope I may achieve it in the end) are the realizations I wanted to share from this life to affirm and validate other people's experiences (or relate to them in one point or another) and tell them that they're on the right track just in case there's someone out there who lives like the same way that I live.

As if I detached my conscious self to the subconscious, and reflected on the subconscious aspect of my life and how its experiences were enriched with divine orchestrations woven in tapestry with the life and the lives it shared and encountered. (Sorry for the psych jargon. Thanks to my sister. Hehe.) 

And that subconscious life that was a product of entrusting my life from a single intention to follow the Great Shepherd who is also the Great Writer who writes such story gives me lessons that are worth to learn and too good to be hoarded.

I know that this revelation in one time or another has been passing on your minds. But bear with me, I will just give emphasis on this point to serve as a reminder.

In my observation, I learned that life's happiness, purpose and its fulfillment cannot just be limitedly defined by what the eyes can see, what our senses could feel, or what ideas and notions are prevailing (but the opposite is what the world is always trying to pound in our smartphone screens and picture tubes).

I would say that the greatest things that can happen on one's life is always manifested in the hidden. Those intangible things that happens in the inside of us always provides and grants eternal, impactful results that makes us different from the world. And the joy of discovering what it is and savoring the process that it entails for one's life is a glory given for the discoverer.

The following may be one of the big things most of the people would expect to receive.

It might be a breakthrough of healing for a loved one. It might be a soul that's more stronger than ever. Or a relationship that has been restored. Or a granting of life to a medically challenged body. Or a provision for a certain need. Or a deal that has to be closed. Or goals that are already reached. Or accomplishments that are attained. Or secret desires that are fulfilled. To others, it may be stability of heart and mind to do things decisively. Or it may be an acceptance of a loss of a loved one. Or comfort in the midst of grief. Or a shelter from an exposed environment. Or a discovery of their capacity and capability from an unexpected circumstance that happened. Fortitude that is unleashed.

It might be a strength and the courage to let go of what you are holding on. And move forward to a hope and an expectation that is already assured even if you don't see it yet.

Substance of life becomes more evident when one tries to assess what are those things that are valued by the heart that beats for conviction and principles that are not of the world. Being challenged by the ever-changing mind but firmly grasped by the heart that is divinely influenced.

A heart that says:

Its not how far you've gone. Sometimes, its about how close you've stayed. The proximity that you chose to stay regardless of the promising chances in exchange to a prize of great heights that can be reached and rewards that can give a remarkable fulfillment. That choice of fulfillment in contentment giving a unflinching resolve, unshakeable as it is, which displays strength in meekness, brings you to a course that is unpopular, adventurous and full of risks, but satisfying and fulfilling in its depths.

The contending to uphold those things that are not seen is the evidence of a life transformed from a life of independence to interdependence as opposed to a mundane expectation.

People are sometimes desperate to pursue the next big thing where in fact in God's eyes it has been transpired already but failed to appreciate it. Fail to realize that the big thing is not determined on the external. Its most of the time made in the internal.
Not only determined by the results but also in the process.

And when this understanding becomes embedded in one's consciousness, one's perspective changes, and the meaning of life becomes profound in this world where superficialities and hollowness is prevalent.

And when purpose is divinely anchored to the Giver of Life Himself, life becomes not one's possession anymore.

You now start to make a difference by being different. Different in a sense that you don't settle for anything that's not worthwhile.

Oh, that we may commit our lives daily to Him, to Jesus who's faithful to journey with us in the process. And I love the fact that as he takes care of what's happening behind the scenes, the program (or the story I must say) is always subject to change without prior notice. Those changes are the intangibles that pervades and penetrates the innermost depths of one's heart. 

I'll give some examples of an intangible thing that describes its evidence. 

The gap that bridges the intention to live this life for Him and the obedience that entails sacrifice most of the time is built from a personal encounter with Him. 

You cannot have a personal, intimate encounter with Him and not become radical for Him afterwards.

You'll have your own too. As this new year unfolds before our eyes, begin to discover what are the changes God has transpired in the inside of you, repent from what you have failed to appreciate, and be amazed on how He will bring you into a journey that makes you more fulfilled than ever because your life in the inside of you is valuable to Him and eventually become Christlike.

The simplicity of appreciating greatly those things God is making behind the scenes cannot be equalled from the pursuit of man showing themselves off from unreasonable complexities.

To wrap this up, let me finish this with a verse that substantiates the things that I mentioned above. 

"We view our slight, short-lived troubles in the light of eternity. We see our difficulties as the substance that produces for us an eternal, weighty glory far beyond all comparison because we don’t focus our attention on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:18

I pray that let this be the completing piece for those who feel a missing puzzle in your life.

P.S. If you love (the Source of) Life, (the Source of) Life will love you back.

Martes, Mayo 21, 2019

For This Cause

I write this piece as a way of honoring all the people I have met in the body of Christ whose life and manner of living have devoted themselves to be a servant.

And when I say being a servant, I give two remarkable classifications.

First, in a general sense, would be people who have prioritize others needs before putting their own first. To them who have chosen to have an audience of One. To them who's assigned in the impossible things and brings them into execution.  

Second, in a personal sense, would be people whose faces are unseen who are working behind the scenes. To them who have discovered and understood that they have a spiritual gift flowing so strongly in the ministry of helps. To them whom have chosen to make service a lifestyle and a vocation, and everyone that does the dirty work faithfully. To them who lifts up others by giving their all out support to make a certain goal of the one they're serving at turn into a success and lastly, to them who have realized their fulfillment in being a great contributor making great things done.  

You are one of the few people who have greatly considered the words of Christ when he said that to be the greatest in the Kingdom, you have to be a servant of all.

If you identify yourself with one of these, this is for you.

I just want to encourage you that you are valuable and precious in the sight of God. What you are doing in His church (not just the building, but to the Christian community, to the called out ones) is very vital and essential in making things work. God has provided those abilities, talents and capacities in the inside of you for a purpose. The reason why He made you that way is so that you can become a supply if there's a need, regardless of its demands.

Yes I know that people would take you for granted at times but God wouldn't. Situations and circumstances are inevitable and this might give you unnecessary pressure and insatiable demands especially with people. But you don't make it as a motivation for you to move and give help. You do it out of a great concern from a heart of love and compassion that you don't want them to be heavily burdened.

Your capabilities do really match the need of the hour. You have the supply that is always fit to fill the gap and is crucial to make it or break it. You wouldn't settle for anything less than the best. People can talk and suggest so many things, but you have that specific capability to turn things into action.

I just want to remind you that you don't have to compare yourself or even your progress to others. I know that you have understand so deeply that you don't need to prove yourself knowing that you know your worth. Your success is defined by how you have put your heart in everything you do that's why excellence is given. Your keen sense of discernment has granted you this realization. People compliment for what is impressive but not on what's important. You do not pursue the former knowing that your sense of responsibility keeps you focus on doing the latter. That's why you make sure what's important is being taken cared of.

The validation of what you are doing doesn't come from the presence of man's appreciation. And you are not disheartened nor discouraged even in its absence. You are guided by principles that are rooted on skillful and godly wisdom that only God provides.

And whenever you come to a point in life when you feel that nothing sees you and the efforts that you do, please, brush that feeling off. Be reminded that the Greater One sees you. He sees your hard work and your heart. He's molding your character and attitude so that when God raises you up, as patience makes it perfect work, you become complete lacking nothing and deserve that promotion that He solely gives. You also know that you are not doing things for the sake of promotion but you are just responding to be an answer to other people's need. You are accountable to God knowing that you offer unto Him every service that you render to people.

Take every opportunity to learn from other people's mistakes especially with the people who rules over you. The proximity that you have with the people you serve gives you a privilege to learn from them, and discard what is unnecessary if you see something in them.

How amazing it is that you focus on those things that are unseen by many but being seen by you. For many people have focused on the things that are seen and it fades quickly (being brief and fleeting). And you chose not to set your eyes at it knowing that where you have chosen to fix your eyes are those things that will last forever.

As you proceed with your life, never think that you are forgotten. Think of those moments when you are at the verge of giving up and quit, His fresh revelation restores your heart to be pure and right and brings you back to the reason why you have started in the first place.

You have witnessed it, time and time again, God has never failed your expectation. More than that, he's always in the business of exceeding it.

Make no mistake about God choosing you as His partner in doing things. Life can never become richer and fuller without Him. He appoints but never disappoint.

The ultimate gain that you have acquired as you stay still in whatever is entrusted to you is a heart of faithfulness. That precious asset becomes richer and valuable as time passes by. Never trade it nor exchange it with something mundane and vague. Your dedication and devotion in the things that are entrusted to your care is a testament of that God-kind of faithfulness. Knowing that this heart of faithfulness eventually proceeds to a life of fruitfulness.

Word of Caution. Do not ever think that you can do all things by your strength and effort. It will drain and drift you when you always consider it as your source. Never isolate yourself with people knowing that your gift is always connected in how you utilize it for the benefit of the people you bless. And one of the greatest evidences that you have grown enough is through the consistent acknowledgment of the Spirit of God empowering you to do what needs to be done. Small or great, you know that this drill stays the same. Understand that you are sufficient in the sufficiency that comes from Christ.

You might sense that kind of guilt whenever you identify yourself with Martha in every sermon when it is sometimes picked. That can only occur if you permit things overwhelm you and find that being a Mary is irrelevant. In everything that you do, pursue to always have a heart of Mary so you can manage to balance when you need to have a mind of Martha.

Following Christ in this kind of expression and endeavor is indeed a privilege knowing that only a few people respond to this kind of call. But don't be disappointed. Our God is the one who calls and invites people and petitions to the hearts of men to follow this kind of pursuit.

Do not impose your views on your brethren just because they don't see what you see and they don't have what you have. At the same time, don't let others insinuate their views on you just because they cannot do what you can do and they don't have the heart that you have. Exercise that heart of patience and understanding for them who don't get it yet. Do not worry for God will make it revealed for them. For you perfectly know that revelation precedes realization and after that, application.

To whom much is given, much is required. You only operate in the parameters of what was given to you. And when opportunity necessitates you to do all things (for it will surely come), do it all will joy knowing that His grace and strength is abounding and able to give you an extraordinary supply from heaven. It's worth the effort. It's worth the hardship. It's worth the sacrifice.

At the end of the day, we are all accountable on our own actions to Him who sees everything, and when we see that what we did out of a grateful response for His goodness results successfully, the fulfillment that it gives cannot be traded for anything else.

For you know and realized for fact that whatever that is being done in the flesh (relying on one's own strength, willpower, and ability) is always deemed futile and doesn't touch God's heart. For real, it’s surreal.

To a grateful servant, a life devoted to the unseen things worth doing finds its source of direction from every intimate moments with His Master, receiving.

And the greatest promotion that you can go from being a servant is becoming the friend of the Master.

And being His friend is way better.

For the servant doesn't know what His Master is doing but having an intimacy that comes from your relationship with Jesus Christ, He tells us what God's will is and the action that corresponds with it as he treats us as his friend. That level of relationship with Him elevates us from a higher plane of perspective and willing to do everything to please Him just as how you want to please your earthly friend.

And that leaves something to the people you serve. In a personal setting, there are burdens that are lightened, souls that are touched, minds that are inspired, and hearts that are being taught. 

In a general setting, there are learnings that are imparted, witnesses that are influenced and generations that are impacted.

Life becomes purposive and meaningful when our greatest aim in life in everything that we do brings joy to the heart of the Father and hear him saying at the end of the day and when our life ends,

Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your lord. :)

Special thanks to: The Great Commission Project/ New Life Network & Missions - Evangelism and Outreaches Department
Photo credits to: Maria Jansep of NL Tacloban.
Taken at Borongan Provincial Capitol Gym, Eastern Samar.
 March 15, 2019

Sabado, Mayo 18, 2019

Remember God

The wisest person who lived on earth has left us such interesting remark after he realized that life is vain and futile when God is not recognized. Solomon, as he progressed in life, came to a point that he depended on the wisdom that he acquired and exchanged it from the One who lives as its true source. As much as he tried in His utmost to find life’s value in the things that He’s doing under the sun to fill what’s lacking in His heart, he spent so many years only to know and prove that the answer he’s looking for was elusive. 

Such remark gives us two things. First is confession. As he reached his old age and pleasure and desire has left him, how he wished that he never drifted away from the purpose as to why he was born and why God has given him the wisdom to know and understand things. That he never let the things that caught his eyes caught his heart as well. That his reverence and acknowledgement that He has given to God while he was young is something that he also brought in himself when he became advanced in years. While he was living in the pedestal of wealth, wisdom, power, riches and fame along with his strength, vigor and intellect, there lies in the inside of his soul, an empty, unsatisfied longing heart. A heart that was damaged by the cares of this world as he pursued his value on the things that he attained and accomplished under the sun and not to the One who gave the significance of his life throughout his years. He almost forgot to look up as he focused his eyes looking across the motions and the cycles of life and looking down on the fate where man’s ultimate end is.

Yet in the mask of such confession, he subtly leaves a beautiful reminder to us who will have the time to read and learn not to follow what he did. Which brings us to our second point that is consolation. That even though it may seem that his findings will make one depressed and discouraged, he confirmed a single mandate that will help us find comfort and purpose while we are having our mundane experiences here on earth. It is to remember God. The call of doing it now indicates a sense of urgency. Solomon knew that man has a tendency to be occupied with so many things and forget God and it places a big gap in man’s walk with Him in his lifetime. Yet God in his justice and mercy gives man time to acknowledge Him and come to terms with Him. Man will always be exasperated in his vulnerability to his exposure to frustrations and struggles, or be arrogant in his capability to have success and victory. But it is a great advantage that when we, in every moment of our lives, chose to acknowledge and be engaged with Him, will define the source of our purpose not under, but above the sun. We cannot afford to live our lives apart from Him. It was not too late for Solomon to do this in the latter years of his life as he realized that there is still hope to regain his true purpose that was removed by his vain pursuit.

God is always there, waiting to allow Him to fill the void in our hearts and letting Him be a part of our living existence. And how blessed we are today that we cannot only remember God but we can also have an access with Him through receiving Jesus.

His endeavor to see life’s value apart from God was not absolutely worthless. In his quest to know what life’s value is all about, his discovery has given us an instruction to contemplate it in our lives today. If you think that who you are, what you do, and where you at is something you consider as the most valuable thing in your life, think again. The true value in this life lies in remembering God.

“Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come,
And the years draw near when you say, ‘I have no pleasure in them.’”
Ecclesiastes 12:1