If i'll look in the things that I don't have, I would have been stopped
at the things that I'm presently doing right now a long time ago. Lack has
an old way of facing us. Appearing as a mountain that we cannot surpass
it, like a room with bars that makes us incarcerated, putting us in a box
that we may not broaden our minds, stifles our dreams and ambitions,
cripples our walk, and whatever thing that it can result into people's lives.
Indeed, in this mundane and greedy world we are living in, most of the
people want to be sufficient at all things. By their own pursuit, energy and
effort, they are trying so hard to gather, accumulate, things that they may
not experience the term "lack".
If you will try to define to other people such term, they will give you
answers and you will realize that what you've understood in yourself in that
term is different from them. What's more interesting is that others, in an
unnoticed way tries to cling in such lack that they have.
What I've observed as this life goes on, like mist and dew that waters
the grass dries as the sun goes up, when beautiful petals of flowers is
blown away when the wind strikes, when youth has vanished its vitality
and strength because of the years that they've toiled and the things
they've acquired, as ants are continually collecting for food, I've learned
that lack will remain in this world. Sufficiency will not remain sufficient. And
that will be a cause for others to be envy at others, will desire for more, to
look and aspire in the things that they don't have.
But we as believers in Christ don't have that kind of intellect. The world
wants us to be envied to them where in fact, they should envy us. Personally,
this life wants me to accept and is trying to affront me that I'm living in lack
and that should be the norm. I've paused for a while. My mind infused me
a question out of the blue. "Why do you still continue? Do you see your
situation?" I confronted it. I replied, "I will not base my decisions based on
necessity, opportunity or circumstance, my decision is firm. I will hold on to
what God's word says about me and who He is to me. I will not fix my eyes
on the things that I do not have but I will be grateful to the things I do have."
And gleaning from that, prosperity caught a new meaning on me. It
doesn't mean that you must be stable and secure in all things, plenty in all
financial resources, (which is a measurement for most of the people), being
in advance or gain in anything good or desirable, the attainment of an object
you desire but it is the ability of yours to make all needs met where talent,
capacity and effort is given, thus sufficiency supplied, prosperity applied.
Obviously, that ability will come from Christ through his grace. And our
God loves to make us blessed in all things. Not only in finances, but also in
wisdom, in strength, in abilities, in health, in relationships, in ALL things.
God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for
anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done.*
We are prosperous in Christ! He made himself poor that we may become
rich. It doesn't only apply in pecuniary terms. It also applies in all facets of
our lives. So that we may be free in every aspect and bondage of lack that
we have. Just receive it!
If you want to see yourself prosperous, just look at the things that you
have that money cannot buy.** Look at the things that you have, and you'll
see that you are truly indeed . For I'm doing the same thing as God makes
His love and mercies being renewed for us every morning.
The measurement of being prosperous doesn't depend on the tool that
we spend but what we are doing on the tool that we have and meets the
need that must be met.
Knowing in myself that I'm prosperous, the more I should humble myself.
And the more I should meet every need. That would be my sweet and pleasing
offering to my God who has given me all things.
A response to what prosperity He has given to me to have a purpose. : D
*2 Cornthians 9:8 The Message Bible.
**revised from a quote from Tabitha Inc., "If you want to feel rich, just
look at the things that you have that money can't buy."
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